50 CFR Appendix Table I to Part 36 - Table I to Part 36—Summary Listing the National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska as established by the Alaska Lands Act, Pub. L. 96-487, December 2, 1980

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Table I to Part 36—Summary Listing the National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska as established by the Alaska Lands Act, Pub. L. 96-487, December 2, 1980
1. Alaska Maritime, including:
Aleutian Island*
Bering Sea*
Forrester Island*
Hazy Islands*
Saint Lazaria*
2. Alaska Peninsula
3. Arctic, including: William O. Douglas*
4. Becharof**
5. Innoko
6. Izembek*
7. Kanuti
8. Kenai*
9. Kodiak*
10. Koyukuk
11. Nowitna
12. Selawik
13. Tetlin
14. Togiak, including: Cape Newenham*
15. Yukon Delta, including:
Clarence Rhode*
Hazen Bay*
16. Yukon Flats*

*These indicated units were previously existing refuges before the Alaska Lands Act of December 2, 1980, and are now part of the 16 National Wildlife Refuges established by the Alaska Lands Act.