funding agreement

(1) In general .— In this section, the following definitions apply (except as otherwise expressly provided): (A) Compact .— The term “compact” means a compact between the Secretary and an Indian tribe entered into under subsection (c). (B) Department .— The term “Department” means the Department of Transportation. (C) Eligible indian tribe .— The term “eligible Indian tribe” means an Indian tribe that is eligible to participate in the program, as determined under subsection (b). (D) Funding agreement .— The term “funding agreement” means a funding agreement between the Secretary and an Indian tribe entered into under subsection (d). (E) Indian tribe .— The term “Indian tribe” means any Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village, or community that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians. In any case in which an Indian tribe has authorized another Indian tribe, an intertribal consortium, or a tribal organization to plan for or carry out programs, services, functions, or activities (or portions thereof) on its behalf under this section, the authorized Indian tribe, intertribal consortium, or tribal organization shall have the rights and responsibilities of the authorizing Indian tribe (except as otherwise provided in the authorizing resolution or in this title). In such event, the term “Indian tribe” as used in this section shall include such other authorized Indian tribe, intertribal consortium, or tribal organization. (F) Program .— The term “program” means the tribal transportation self-governance program established under this section. (G) Secretary .— The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Transportation. (H) Transportation programs .— The term “transportation programs” means all programs administered or financed by the Department under this title and chapter 53 of title 49.


23 USC § 207(m)(1)

Scoping language

In this section
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