expanded uses

(4) Expanded uses The term “expanded uses” means the following activities: (A) The maintenance dredging of a berth in a harbor that is accessible to a Federal navigation project and that benefits commercial navigation at the harbor. (B) The maintenance dredging and disposal of legacy-contaminated sediment, and sediment unsuitable for open water disposal, if— (i) such dredging and disposal benefits commercial navigation at the harbor; and (ii) such sediment is located in and affects the maintenance of a Federal navigation project or is located in a berth that is accessible to a Federal navigation project. (C) An in-water improvement, if the improvement— (i) is for the seismic reinforcement of a wharf or other berthing structure, or the repair or replacement of a deteriorating wharf or other berthing structure, at a port facility; (ii) benefits commercial navigation at the harbor; and (iii) is located in, or adjacent to, a berth that is accessible to a Federal navigation project. (D) An activity to maintain slope stability at a berth in a harbor that is accessible to a Federal navigation project if such activity benefits commercial navigation at the harbor.


33 USC § 2238(f)(4)

Scoping language

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