eligible harbor or inland harbor

(2) Expanded uses (A) Definition of eligible harbor or inland harbor defined In this paragraph, the term “eligible harbor or inland harbor” means a harbor or inland harbor at which the total amount of harbor maintenance taxes collected in the immediately preceding 3 fiscal years exceeds the value of the work carried out for the harbor or inland harbor using amounts from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund during those 3 fiscal years. (B) Use of expanded uses funds (i) Fiscal years 2015 through 2024 For each of fiscal years 2015 through 2024, of the priority funds available, the Secretary shall use not less than 10 percent of such funds for expanded uses carried out at an eligible harbor or inland harbor. (ii) Subsequent fiscal years For fiscal year 2025 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Secretary shall use not less than 10 percent of the priority funds available for expanded uses carried out at an eligible harbor or inland harbor. (C) Prioritization In allocating funds under this paragraph, the Secretary shall give priority to projects at eligible harbors or inland harbors for which the difference, calculated in dollars, is greatest between— (i) the total amount of funding made available for projects at that eligible harbor or inland harbor from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund in the immediately preceding 3 fiscal years; and (ii) the total amount of harbor maintenance taxes collected at that harbor or inland harbor in the immediately preceding 3 fiscal years.


33 USC § 2238(d)(2)

Scoping language

In this paragraph
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