1. Rule 016.00.21-001 - Arkansas DHS COVID-19 Response Manual
  2. Rule 016.00.22-001 - Medical Services Policy Section A-116, H-100, H-400, H-600 and H-700
  3. Division 01 - Youth Services (Rule 016.01.10-001 to 016.01.19-003)
  4. Division 02 - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention (Rule 016.02.18-001 to 016.02.91-001)
  5. Division 04 - Mental Health Services (Rule 016.04.96-001)
  6. Division 05 - Developmental Disabilities Services (Rule 016.05.01-002 to 016.05.97-005)
  7. Division 06 - Medical Services (Rule 016.06.01-035 to 016.06.98-048)
  8. Division 10 - Division of Services for the Blind (Rule 016.10.03-001 to 016.10.14-001)
  9. Division 14 - Department of Finance (Administrative Services) (Rule 016.14.01-016 to 016.14.22-001)
  10. Division 15 - Children and Family Services (Rule 016.15.01-006 to 016.15.22-007)
  11. Division 18 - Office of Chief Counsel (Rule 016.18.04-001 to 016.18.11-001)
  12. Division 19 - Aging and Adult Services (Rule 016.19.08-001 to 016.19.91-005)
  13. Division 20 - Division of County Operations (Rule 016.20.00-001 to 016.20.99-028)
  14. Division 22 - Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education (Rule 016.22.02-001 to 016.22.22-002)
  15. Division 23 - Behavioral Health Services (Rule 016.23.04-001 to 016.23.17-002)
  16. Division 24 - Division of Health ~ (Rule 016.24.05-001 to 016.24.07-004)
  17. Division 25 - Divison of Provider Services and Quality Assurance (Rule 016.25.19-001 to 016.25.22-007)
  18. Division 26 - Division of Aging, Adult and Behavioral Health Services (Rule 016.26.19-001 to 016.26.22-002)
  19. Division 27 - Department of Medical Services (Rule 016.27.20-001 to 016.27.22-005)
  20. Division 28 - Division of County Operations (Rule 016.28.20-001 to 016.28.23-006)
  21. Division 29 - Division of Medical Services (Rule 016.29.22-001 to 016.29.23-011)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.